The problem of sin is the most important issue in the Bible. Also it seems to be one serious objection to the existence of God. Old Testament show us sin’s origin and New Testament demonstrate us sin’s solution. Many people have abandoned their faith because of the problem of sin than for any other reason. It is certainly the greatest test of faith, the greatest temptation to unbelief. And it's not just an intellectual objection. We feel it and we live it. That's why the Book of Job is so arresting. The problem can be stated very simply. God is so good, why is his world so bad? The unbeliever who asks that question is usually feeling resentment toward and rebellion against God, not just lacking evidence for his existence.
The reason for unbelief is an unfaithful lover, not an inadequate hypothesis. The unbeliever's problem is not just a soft head but a hard heart. We can know Adam and Eve’s heart through Genesis 3:16 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”
The origin of sin is not the Creator God but the creature's freely choosing sin and selfishness.
God has planned in order to save His people. There are solutions to the problem of sin.
We must take away all sins and selfishness and we would have heaven on earth. Even the remaining our evils would no longer rankle and embitter us. Christians must endure and even embrace suffering as lovers embrace many challenges. The reason that God allows sins people is because God train His people and in order to give more grace for them.
Therefore, they can overcome many sufferings and sins through Jesus’ blood because Christ’s blood can purify their sin.
In conclusion, we can change into humble people through sin because we can repent our sin to God. For that reason, we can realize God’s amazing grace through sin. If there is no sin in the world so we don’t need Jesus Christ’s precious blood.
“The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,” (Rom 5:20)
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