I think one of the greatest challenges Christians face in today's society is reconciling the God of the Old Testament with the God of the New Testament in terms Him being a political leader. When the historical events regarding the formation of the nation of Israel are unpack through the political lens of today’s society, one might categorized Jehovah God as a dictator. The question remains then is God being a dictator good or bad? Scripture reveals that God was a political leader who feared none and demanded loyalty from his subjects (Israel). But how can that be true? God-- a Dictator? In light of current day terminology a dictator is often associated with a negative connotation. However, when I revisited the scriptures, I have found that this idea may not be such a bad thing.
In our class discussions we have covered God’s authority over the universe as creator (Genesis 1-2); his role as Lawmaker (Deutornomny 5:1-29) ; as a Commander in Chief (Exodus 3:14); as judge (Genesis 6:13, Genesis 19:1-29), and as advocate for those in suffering (Exodus Lev 23:21-23). Understanding these attributes of Yhwh has allowed me to examine the context of other passages outside of the torah (or Pentateuch) in a new light. For example the Passages in Joshua 5:12-14 where it says:
“Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?" "Neither," he replied, "but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come." Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence” and then in chapter 6-- God fulfills his word and delivers Jericho into Joshua s’ hands.
The Old Testament portrays the strength and strategy of leading a nation in a war campaign. God led his people to war, he ordered israel to destroyed those who opposed his people, his ways, or Him in the OT. in their totality. This included the destruction of their cities, the elimination of their livestock and their people.
I am not advocating such measures, for the present day to church to venture out on a search and destroy mission. Rather, I am merely acknowledging the nature of God as the Political leader revealed. From our class discussions, Dr. Yates pointed towards the moral and ethical implications of the Mosaic Law. Only a political leader who is controlling and determined to have his people act accordingly, would give such specific instructions. Is that bad for Christians today? We also have to consider as the social advocate and the politician the Almighty was for his people. He wanted to bless them and make his nation a great one. Only a great dictator would go to such extremes to fulfill that vision. The interesting aspect is that understand the nature of God as a dictator in the Old testament directly correlates to his supremacy over everything in the New testament -- all the way to The Great Judgement Day. I believe if we grasp this aspect of God, we may just deepen our faith and our service to the one who is victorious in a new way.
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