In the beginning God creates world through the Word of God. In all processing of the creation, we can know to be concealed will and thought of the God and also see His gloriousness and greatness.
God created light and darkness on first day. Second day, He created an expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. Third day, He created the sea, earth, and plants. Fourth day, He created the sun, moon, and stars. Fifth day, He created birds flying above the earth and the great creature of the sea. Sixth day, He created wild animals and man. Seventh day, He rested from all His work.
When we saw, we could see the one great order. It is connection that first three days and second three days have an order that is the horizontal order.
If so, why did God create to be able to see comparing first day and fourth day, second day and fifth day, and third day and sixth day?
Why did God create the heavens and the earth on the sequence? Where is the reason? The reason did not mention in the Bible. We, however, can find about the God’s gloriousness, greatness, and grace in the processing of creation.
For example of the greatness, why did not God create sun, moon, and stars after create light and darkness?
We can answer and see through the question about God greatness. The truth shows us to be able to be plants without the sun and moon. It is the God’s gloriousness and greatness. We also can see through John Calvin’s Genesis chapter 1 comments and systematic of Louis Berkhof.
In the Calvin’s Genesis comment, he said that it did not happen fortuitously, that herbs and trees were created before the sun and moon. We now see, indeed, that the earth is quickened by the sun to cause it to bring forth its fruits; nor was God ignorant of this law of nature, which he has since ordained: but in order that we might learn to refer all things to him he did not then make use of the sun or moon. He permits us to perceive the efficacy which he infuses into them, so far as he uses their instrumentality; but because we are wont to regard as part of their nature properties which they derive elsewhere, it was necessary that the vigor which they now seem to impart to the earth should be manifest before they were created. We acknowledge, it is true, in words, that the First Cause is self-sufficient, and that intermediate and secondary causes have only what they borrow from this First Cause; but, in reality, we picture God to ourselves as poor or imperfect, unless he is assisted by second causes.(Calvin’s commentary on Genesis Volume 1, page 34-35.)
Who can say other examples about sequence of the creation? How can you say of the think about order of the creation? Why does God create horizontally between the first third days and the second third days?
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