Many Christian’s today fall into the trap of entering into destructive and heated debates with individuals from the scientific realm regarding the creation account of Genesis. There seems to be an unmerited underlying fear that the origins of the universe as described by our present understanding of natural revelation contradict those of special revelation. As Christians we should comfortably rest in the authority of God’s word and encourage our peers in the scientific realm to continue their pursuit of universal truth through the world of science. These two accounts, special and natural revelation, are two stories written by one Author. There is a general understanding that perceived truths of natural revelation evolve over time as new information is discovered. This process of trial and error as we probe the depths of the natural universe occasionally creates an apparent contradiction between Scripture and science. This apparent contradiction should not come as surprise or bother us as Christians. Mankind has a history of making mistakes. We can rest confidently assured that as more information becomes available the natural account will reconcile itself to the special account, which it has done countless times in the pass. The danger for a Christian lies in how we conduct ourselves during the interim of chaos where the two accounts seemingly contradict.
The dangers that lurk regarding misinterpretation of natural revelation are equally relevant for special revelation. The Bible is not a trivial book. It is equally complex and arguably more magnificent in grandeur that the natural universe. The scientific realm has historically embraced intellectual challenges; seeming contradicts of physical principles, and forged onward seeking solutions. I believe this same energy and intellect must be applied to special revelation as well, particularly with regards to the Genesis account. The potential for error in the scientific realm is equally prevalent in the realm of biblical theology. Occasionally when natural and special revelation contradicts the fault lies with the interpretation of the special revelation. As we progress throughout the ages the two accounts, special and natural revelation, will proceed in and out of sequence until Christ returns.
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