Saturday, November 20, 2010

Leadership concept in the Old Testament

The book of judges is a great sample of how God set the stage for mighty men to take over the leadership of the nation of Israel but every time, they stumbled. From Othniel, Israel’s first Judge to Samson the last judge, they all led Israel's army and fought their enemies especially the philistines but the maximum peace they obtained was only forty years and then after a while there would be other violations that would make them go into war again. This is how God was revealing His mighty plans for raising mighty men to lead His nation into the glory and gratefulness He intended them to. The book of Judges sets the stage for David or King Solomon the wisest man ever lived_ to come and take over this nation that has proved they can and will stumble and the only thing that can keep them from that is God moving through them with Kings that He raised from among them. Even these kings sinned like King David that committed adultery or king Solomon who valued his wives or gold more than he should have but at the end, these were the kings that fulfilled what God meant for His nation. These men had the element of God in them and by helps that they received from God they were able to do what God asked them to and that was leading God’s people where He wanted them. This could be a fact that still applies to church these days too. God most assuredly did not stop raising great men to lead His church and take over from the people that stumble or miss their chances to lead the church. There are still king Davids or Solomons who were raised by God and will take control of His church and turn the suppression into Glory and victory for it.

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